Derive an expression for power required to maintain the current in a circuit with resistance R and a voltage V.
Use the expression to determine the ratio of power before and after a drop in resistance, if the resistance drops to half its original value while voltage remains constant.
If the voltage across a circuit of constant resistance is doubled, what is the ratio of the power after the increase to the power before the increase?
Power is the product of current I (measured in C/s) and voltage V (measured in J/C, so that current * voltage is in J/s).
The current resulting from voltage V and resistance R is I = V / R.
If the resistance was cut in half, the current would double but the voltage would remain the same. That is, there would be twice as many Coulombs/second but no more Joules/Coulomb.
For a given resistance, we can see that the current is proportional to the voltage, and that the power for a given current is also proportional to the voltage, so that voltage occurs twice as a factor in the power.
Cutting the voltage in half will cut both current and voltage in half, resulting in 1/4 of the original power. This is consistent with the presence of V^2 in the expression for power.
A current I flowing across a voltage V results in power P = I V.
The figure below charts the relationships among voltage, resistance, current and power.
- Greater voltage or less resistance implies greater current, expressed as I = V / R; resistance is the ratio of voltage to current, expressed as R = V / I; a current I through a resistance R requires a greater voltage drop for a greater current and for a greater resistance, expressed as V = I * R.
- Current is measured in C / s, voltage in J / C, so the product of current and voltage is the number of J / s, or watts, of power.
The relationship P = I * V can be combined with either I = V / R or with V = I * R to yield either P = I * (I * R) = I^2 * R or P = (V / R ) * V = V^2 / R.